Yard Sales….Get Your Cardio For The Week!

Hello all!  Amazing weekend, we had all day Saturday to spend together, just me and Crystal, and we decided to get up and go look at all of the yard sales.  We started our journey at about 8:00 a.m. and we were going to a neighborhood that only get to do garage/yard sales once a year on a certain designated weekends.  So we got to the first house and let me tell you what we saw.  It was like American Gladiatorsmeets Supermarket Sweep! I mean we got out of the car and all of these women started running towards the merchandise leaving her husband and kids inside the cars and trucks not even shutting the door, clotheslining mailboxes and anyone else in their way, hurdling over flower beds and dodging sprinkler heads!  These ladies would be picking through anything, even if they didn’t need it!  Clothes for kids in sizes they don’t even have in their house anymore!  Uprooting plants out of the yard saying “$5, $5 won’t give you anymore!”  Little woman speaking in other languages playing tug-o-war with a 0-3 onesie in their hands like it was the last one on earth. Now all of you ladies out there don’t think I’m just bagging on all of you and not the guys!  Guys are just as bad, they want to always buy tools, swords, old Cd’s or 8-tracks, or some other crap that they definitely don’t need or have room for and sometimes aren’t even for sale!  And why do people have so much crap to sell?  Do you know how many people just have old ghetto strollers and car seats just sitting around collecting dust, rusting, and mildewing and they want to sell them for like $40?!?!  Hello!  Get rid of that crap for like $2 or someth….no…no…no…THROW THAT CRAP AWAY!  Just like old baby outfits that have poop or spit-up stains, don’t give that away to someone else!  Throw it away or for heavens sake…burn it!  That’s almost as bad and the sets of used stained toddler undies I saw today!  Unnnghh!  Anyway, enough ranting for now, more in the audio version!



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