Daddy Digest Episode 21

I know…we are on  a roll.  We can’t be stopped with putting out these amazing episodes, unless something stops us. uh…..  Anyways, ENJOY!  We have a blast doing these.  We also really enjoy hearing from you!

Leave your comments for this episode or give us your feedback via email at daddydigest at!


4 Responses to “Daddy Digest Episode 21”

      Jill Garst on September 8th, 2009 9:24 pm

      So, I will finally comment on this one! I do listen to all of them, however, I forgot to comment.

      Although Wal-Mart has it’s issues, Target has the WORST return policy in the whole world. At least I know what to expect when I go to Wal-Mart. My Ryan made fun of me because I wrote a scathing letter to Target Corporate. 🙂 So you all will be at Target, we will be at Wal-Mart. 🙂

      We don’t have the crazy cell phone/school zone law in Ohio. Thank goodness, because I don’t have a cool Parrot.

      Thanks for another fun episode! Have a good week!

      sarah on September 8th, 2009 10:53 pm

      I am with you on walmart. Target is another one I am not to fond of…So we shall see how costco is when we complete our move from New England to the south. This ought to be interesting. I had the lady at walmart today not wrap the glasswear so as she smashed the bowls togeather I was having the manager replace. Stupidity does regin there.

      Ryan on September 9th, 2009 10:10 am

      Good one. Crystal, I wasn’t offended, I was just looking at it from the flip side. Can’t wait to hear the next episode about how wears the pants in terms of money, Jill and I will lilke that one for sure!!!


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