Episode 24 of Daddy Digest The Podcast


Ok here is Episode 24 to all of those who have been so patient!  We talk about our favorite scary movies, TV, and cover your feedback!


5 Responses to “Episode 24 of Daddy Digest The Podcast”

      sarah on November 9th, 2009 5:32 pm

      Laughing like crazy. Hubs decided to listen in this week too.

      Lying so an age thing. Ours is doing it now too. We have started taking away tv time for it. He has to do a community service for it also. example he lies he has to wash windows, or unload the dishwasher or help the lady across the street rake her leaves. (elderly)

      Hands in the mouth when you find the cure let me know. my youngest is always with hand in his mouth. hes four and it drives me crazy.

      Moonlyte on November 10th, 2009 5:41 pm

      Awesome cast guys. I do have an argument towards Saw as being a true horror movie. Yes its scary, but to me its more a suspense slasher. For me ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ was the best scare. Glad you’re back and mostly healthy. Catch you later D2.

      Jen Avila on November 10th, 2009 11:33 pm

      Thanks so much guys for the awesome shout out and endorsement. We shall return the favor. Keep up the great work of your own. 🙂

      BTW, me and scary movies don’t mix. I don’t think I have ever, in my entire life, watched one from start to finish. I could tell you only which movie has the scariest looking DVD cover, or something like that. Haha.


      staciesmadness on November 12th, 2009 12:51 pm

      and, I hit submit prematurely, I hate when that happens.

      I am asking Santa for the Wii…it should be titalizing, er tantalizing 😉
      (said in my best southern draw)
      .-= staciesmadness´s last blog ..Are you smarter than a 3rd grader? =-.

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