Episode 29 of Daddy Digest the Podcast

Yo! Hey back again this week!  We cover feedback, do some catching up, go over some news, and play the game with no name! Send us some feedback via our voicemail line at 281-306-2016!

Promo – On the Edge of Darkness – Podcast Novel


2 Responses to “Episode 29 of Daddy Digest the Podcast”

      Lorie Shewbridge on February 23rd, 2010 1:08 pm

      I cannot believe Rylan has been being bad, he is such a sweetheart! But I love that evil smile. WAY TO GO Taylor on the straight A’s – she’s brilliant, must take after her mommy!!
      So true that “go to the left” advice in WDW, I do that all the time and I LIVE here!
      “Toe-Jam” in his eye??? TeeHee
      Crystal, I agree, glass in soup is probably not good!
      Since this is my first time listening to your Podcast, I did not know you had a phone number… I may just call you!!! Be afraid, be very afraid!
      Crystal, you were 4 in ’85… GOD, I’m OLD, I graduated from high school in ’83!!!
      I think you guys are hysterical… just like in real life. Lots of fun, can’t wait for next week. {{{Hugs}}}
      .-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..Sunday Stealing: The Clown’s Meme Parts 1 & 2 =-.


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