Doctor Office Gripes
Right now I don’t have a regular doctor. The doctor that I did have had a potty mouth that would make most rappers cringe and she always teased me about probing me for every single thing that I had wrong with me. Don’t ask…it was just weird. So I have been talking to Crystal about looking for a new family practitioner and she agrees that we need to look for someone who doesn’t seem so creepy.
One of the things that I hate about starting up with a new doctor is all of the freakin’ paper work that you have to do when you first start off going to a new doc. I mean, I know that they have to have all of the information about family history, food and drug allergies, past operations, and if your previous doc probed you for whatever. I just wish they would find an online form builder and let you input all of your info about all of those details and have it in their system already for when you arrive to their frosted sliding window.
Another thing is I do not like having to repeat over an over everything that is wrong with me. You make an appointment and tell them what is wrong. You get there and then remind them why you are there. Then you have to tell the nurse and then the doctor. You would think that with all of the tech out there that they could jump on an online form creator and make a page that you can fill out at home or even with a smart-phone in the waiting room so you don’t have to repeat what is plaguing you a dozen times to a dozen people. I think I should change my career to being a doctor procedure helper-outer guy from now on.
5 Responses to “Doctor Office Gripes”
Leave me your comments below.
Matt on April 17th, 2011 12:46 am
I’m with you on what a pain it is to switch doctors. You do have the right to a copy of your medical records (for a small fee, most likely).
It might be worth requesting your medical records from Dr. Creepy’s office. Then, make copies of those and drop them off at your new doc.
Daddy Ryan on April 17th, 2011 1:09 am
Perfect plan! I just hope she won’t ask some “probing” questions why I am leaving.
sarah on April 17th, 2011 11:57 am
one of the joys of living in Germany is just what you discribed. They also perscibe you a week at a kur ie spa to get you well. I am so looking forward to may. good luck in your doctor search.
Daddy Ryan on April 17th, 2011 8:53 pm
Wow Sarah! I could use a week at a spa.
Lauralee Hensley on April 17th, 2011 10:46 pm
I agree why should you have to tell each one of them, it’s like they don’t read what the other put down.