Are All of Those People Camping?

We all took a little trip as a family to the other side of Houston this past Saturday. It takes us about 45 minutes to get to the downtown area and the kids always have so much fun looking at the skyscrapers and really old buildings that are packed into the concrete jungle that makes up downtown. If you are not familiar with Houston it has fairly decent sized “downtown” area but the whole metropolitan area spreads out about 30 miles in all directions. Where we live they aren’t really any buildings higher than about ten stories tall. There are a lot of new things that the kiddos see every time we venture downtown and some awesome and then some we have to explain.
One question they had was why is there a baseball field downtown where all of the building are. That is a good question. I answered that it is there because the people of the city wanted it there. We as parents have those questions pop up from time to time that even when you give an answer you know that twenty more will be popping up one right after another. They noticed that underneath a bunch of bridges there were a bunch of tents all crowded around. Inevitably they asked “are all of those people camping?” and I said “in a way”. “It’s a homeless village kids!” I just explained that some people that are in-between homes sometimes grab their tent and some sleeping bags and camp out until they find a new one. I didn’t go into the story of the royal family that lives in the large 4 person tent that was up on he hill that housed a princess that longs for a prince far far away. I will save that and incorporate it into story time one night.

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