We Need a Vacation

Sometimes as parents we can get really burnt out. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love my job as a parent and I love my kids like nothing else in the world. I really feel like sometimes me and my wife’s relationship is really affected in the way of not seeing each other or spending quality with each other as much as we used to. Our kids grow up and our relationship with them also grows. It is really important for me to make sure that my relationship with my wife grows and matures as well. There are time when we need a little getaway for some time to ourselves. No, I don’t mean going all out and and taking 26 weeks a year and jet-setting off for some cheap holidays to Turkey but something a little closer would work I think.
A little while back the in-laws took the kiddos and we got away for a weekend only 20 miles away. We got a hotel, ate some nice meals, and had a great time just being able to talk and not get bombarded with questions or request to wipe butts or make drinks. I think this time we may look for some cheap all inclusive holidays where all we have to do is select where we want to go and pay some people and they take care of the rest. I really think that time alone with your spouse to repair and build on your relationship is extremely important. The more time you put in it, the stronger it becomes and it will last a lifetime.

3 Responses to “We Need a Vacation”
Leave me your comments below.
sarah on May 1st, 2011 3:02 am
There are great all inclusives that are inexpensive for cancun, swam with dolphins there. Amazing experince. Also for HI, the bahamas. All great fun.
I agree. Luckily we have a whole barracks full of single soldiers who love our kids like there own. So we are able to get breaks in turn I feed them and let them use the phone and internet. We get free calls back to the states. They get charged at the barracks. Works well for everyone.
Moonlyte on May 1st, 2011 6:31 am
Long before we had kids and long after the kids are gone there’s just the two of us. You can’t put that relationship on hold for 20 yrs. I agree with you. Even if its just a date night, away time is a must.
Ryan on May 1st, 2011 8:11 am
I totally agree so for our 10th anniversary I booked a cruise for Jill and I and got a pretty good deal! Our little one is going to the in laws for a week and we are going on our first really time away in almost 5 years! Much needed!