World’s Greatest TV Dad

Growing up when I was young meant that I had a good bit of different influences when it came to “father figures”. My parents drove through splitsville when I was barely able to walk. I got to spend every other weekend with my dad to where he tried to do his best to cram as much fatherly stuff in as he could. My mom remarried and then I had a step-dad that molded me week to week in the way he thought was best. In addition to two powerhouses of daditude taking turns showing me the path to become a man I also had my grandfather who I saw during the week everyday after school. Three dudes in my life that all had different views on family, faith, values, politics, movie choices, and even soda choices.
I feel like even though I had several different influences on what guided me down the path to becoming a man and eventually a father were all instilled by one common factor…love. My dad showed me love for all of the time he had to spend separated from me. His excitment over having two full weeks in between visits made our time more meaningful and filled with pure adoration. My step-dad showed me love for providing a home for which I felt like I belonged to even when they added to the family in the form of a sibling. In a situation where I wasn’t his child he sure did treat me like one of his own. My grandfather filled in the gap between the others and understood me and knew how to make me smile. He gave me the love of not only the grandfather he was to me but as a seasoned father to my mother that included all of that experience.
There were sometimes that I had away from all of them and most of the time it was filled with TV. Man, there were so many dads on TV that taught me a couple of values in all of those 22 minute episodes. Now if I had to weigh in about who had the most influence on me in the TV realm besides Optimus Prime(?!?) I would have to go with a tie between Jason Seaver and Cliff Huxtable. Both dads had great heart to hearts and had a real sense of “dad” to me. Thanks to Man of the House for helping me come to this conclusion. Now you too can weigh in on the World’s Greatest TV Dad and who you think should reign supreme.
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of P&G and received promotional items to thank me for taking the time to participate.
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