Marriage is Easy When it’s not Hard!

My marriage is great. We are the best of friends and the ones we confide in the most. Crystal and I have been together for a little over ten years and have been married for almost nine years now. I think that between us in the relationship area I am the one who tries to do the most to work things out. I mean I am no Mort Fertel but I do my best to see where I went wrong and try to remedy it as soon as possible. You do notice I said where “I” went wrong?
In every marriage there will be arguments. In my non-professional (but time tested and mother approved) opinion, if a married couple does not have a spat, incident, or argument at all…something else is wrong or going on behind the scenes. There are things out there that are like marriage “fitness” classes like Marriage Max that teaches you how to neutralize your problems and put into practice a system of relationship habits that will shift the momentum of your marriage. Then there are more known things like marriage “counseling” where the process of counseling a couple in a relationship in an effort to recognize and to better manage or reconcile troublesome differences and repeating patterns of distress in their past and present.
To be honest there have been no knock-down drag out throw-downs at our house…or even in public. We have children, responsibilities, and we took a vow to keep this marriage together no matter what. We are finally getting to the point of extinguishing the small fire before it becomes a roaring blaze. Communicate, apologize, make-up! That’s it! Doesn’t that sound simple? Just remember that when you start to act like a raging lunatic.

3 Responses to “Marriage is Easy When it’s not Hard!”
Leave me your comments below.
sarah on July 10th, 2011 2:28 am
Get her the one with 3g kicking myself for not doing the same. I was the person at the airport and finished the book. We were still delayed. So it was just thumb twiddling time.
Enjoy your weekend. Its the 10th Hope you are able to attend the mens dial camp
sarah on July 10th, 2011 2:31 am
Please move that to your podcast.Thank you. Its way to early in Germany to be commenting 😉
Sarah on July 10th, 2011 4:31 pm
It’s important to get along. It’s also important to know what you can deal with over a long term and what you can’t and accept that there is a lot of compromise.