The Ramp Up to Back to School

This year we will have two kiddos in school! Taylor will be going to the third grade and Rylan will be making his maiden voyage into the magical land of Kindergarten. Taylor has been the best student in the past couple of years. She has made straight A’s and hasn’t faultered or had a major meltdown so far. Now as for our meltdowns, that is a different story in and of itself.
I’m going to really honest here. I am really worried about my son starting school. He has not been in any sort of off-site daycare or had any sort of preschool that taught him the basics. He does however get along with other children (besides his siblings) in a public setting such as church or play dates. I am a little worried that he is going to bust out a “your not the boss of me” or “my daddy will beat you up” comment to the teacher or another esteemed member of the education system. His speech has not always been the best but has really gotten better over the years as he grows and his vocabulary grows as well. I know some parents who have said that they had had an issue with their children’s hearing had affected their speech. I ran into some ways that I could improve phonological awareness in him but I think that he should maybe actually start school first.
When thinking about the points and worries in this post and the times that my mind had wandered to think about it in the past I have come to the conclusion to just shut off my brain. He is a child. Taylor has turned out great and we worried the same way that we worry with Rylan. He will get it and we will be there to watch him climb to new heights…I just hope he doesn’t drag a teacher to that height and throw them off of it.

One Response to “The Ramp Up to Back to School”
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Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy on July 21st, 2011 11:21 am
I hope he gets a patient teacher — that’s all 😉