Flight Delay

There has been a delay in me flying. Not a single instance or a certain flight but the delay in getting me on an actual flight in a long time. I first flew when I was around nine years old. My step-dad took me on a short flight from Houston to Austin to spend the day with his parents and give me the chance to see life above the clouds.

I am now set to be going out of town this next week and I will be flying for the second time in my life. I have no idea on what goes on or how this process is supposed to go. So many things are running through my head about the flight itself. Even simple stuff like “what are the bathrooms like on a plane?” I heard that if you unrolled a whole roll of toilet paper on a plane it would suck it all down in around 5 seconds! I’m sure that after I tried something like that someone would inform me of how un-green that is. Crystal always says that she could never sleep on a plane. I think I am going to try to and see if I can do it and if it’s comfortable or not. I’m sure that when I wake up from my catnap I will have a pamphlet on my chest filling me in on all the information on snoring that I will ever need.

I’m not even going to go into the security thing. Hopefully, people won’t pat me down to much.


2 Responses to “Flight Delay”

      Moonlyte on July 31st, 2011 7:28 am

      Most of the time its like being on a bus. Just don’t drool on the person next to you if you fall asleep.

      Ryan on July 31st, 2011 9:20 pm

      Yeah if I drool on Crystal she will kill me.

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