My Growing Kids and their Shrinking Bathroom

We have been in the same house for almost six years now. During this time in the house I have always found the little “Jack and Jill” bathroom between the two kids rooms to be quite humorous and appalling at the same time. Appalling because it is only a toilet and a sink in a small confined area. Humorous because it is furnished with the smallest vanity and toilet I have ever seen in my life. I think that they went to a bathroom vanities sale for people from the land of Oz.
Whenever I see my kids at the sink that is exactly the perfect size for them it makes me chuckle. I just wonder what happens if we stay in this house for many more years when my kiddos start to sprout up and then look like Luke in Yoda’s hut bumping around in a area too small. I have thought before about replacing some of the fixtures in the bathroom but replacing the toilet seat is as far as I have gotten.
The toilet in the bathroom runs mysteriously every once in awhile and I can’t figure out why. In the case of the water wasting toilet I should probably look into eco-friendly bathroom furniture so that my money doesn’t get flushed down the drain…har har. Another bad thing is that the small area has carpet in it. If you have little boys under the age of…oh..I don’t know…twenty then you know that carpet in a bathroom is not a good idea. After writing out all of these things I think it is time for this bathroom to get some upgrades and finally grow up!

One Response to “My Growing Kids and their Shrinking Bathroom”
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Lorie Shewbridge on December 18th, 2011 2:05 pm
The person I feel the sorriest for in this scenario is Taylor… poor thing having to share a bathroom with her brothers. UGH!!
Thank goodness you are going to be looking for a new house, but I bet you’re going to have to update that bathroom before selling – that sounds sucky.