Paddywhack Giveaway

Ok, like I am not on my iPhone enough already without someone offering me a chance to play a new and very fun game! I got the chance to play Tic Tac Paddywhack by SMERC this past week. Let me tell you….really entertaining game for both the children and myself.iphone-pics-420

The game is really just a very robust, fresh, updated take on one of the first games every kid has played, Tic-Tac-Toe! On this version though you can choose between two different character sets, humans or animals. It has one or two player game modes, difficulty settings, and high score records. But, the best thing about this game is that after you beat the CPU five times on the single player mode you can choose from two different “rewards”. Some of these rewards include different characters for use in the main game and some of the best rewards are the mini-games that you get. The mini-games are great for even smaller kiddos. My five year old had a blast with this game and the three year old loved it too.

Now, if you have an iPhone or an iTouch (or know someone who does) you can win a free copy of this game. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post saying you want it, follow me on Twitter and then comment that you did, subscribe to my site and comment that you did, fave my blog on Technorati and comment that you did, or maybe another way that you can come up with….there are a couple of other ways to get another entry….and I will be checking…just leave me a comment though!  Remember if you are already covered in these requirements just say that you already are.  I have two to give away so make sure you enter.  The giveaway will end on June 19, 11:59 pm cst.


6 Responses to “Paddywhack Giveaway”




      Twitted by aikychien on June 8th, 2009 4:32 pm

      […] This post was Twitted by aikychien – […]

      Stephanie on June 10th, 2009 7:46 am

      I want it…I already follow you on twitter and of course I am subscribed to your site!!!


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