Wordless Wednesday

Here’s what I found in a store while asking to use their restroom. I want to think this is how the idea came about.
Guy #1: What do we do for a tank cover?
Guy #2: Go get……..the foil……I have an idea.
15 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday”
Leave me your comments below.
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy on December 1st, 2009 9:46 pm
At least they’re creative.
.-= Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Lynsey Jones on December 1st, 2009 11:18 pm
I have a new respect for Crystal…. LOL jk
.-= Lynsey Jones´s last blog ..Inspiration from Good Morning America =-.
Cat on December 2nd, 2009 12:57 am
Oh you are too much. LMAO That is such a man fixer upper idea. 🙂
.-= Cat´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – The Colors of Cat =-.
Lisa@gardenofmany on December 2nd, 2009 3:03 am
That’s just to much, but could totally seen someone doing it ! Hope you have a great WW
.-= Lisa@gardenofmany´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Snow Love =-.
Run DMT on December 2nd, 2009 4:46 am
.-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Prayers for Anissa =-.
Susan on December 2nd, 2009 6:32 am
Too funny. I am surprised that foil replaced the usual duct tape you guys love so much.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
eve @ letters to breathe on December 2nd, 2009 7:14 am
Cute! LOL Definitely a man fix!
Tammy on December 2nd, 2009 8:04 am
That is definitely something a guy would do.
.-= Tammy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday Christmas Ornament =-.
Lynn @Mama_Says on December 2nd, 2009 9:01 am
I’m hoping this was taken with the camera on your phone!
DIY repairs. LOL
Canine Crusader on December 2nd, 2009 9:32 am
You’re kidding! LOL! Happy WW!
.-= Canine Crusader´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Southern Bella's Ways To Save on December 2nd, 2009 12:59 pm
Wow! lol A total WTF moment.
Happy WW!
.-= Southern Bella’s Ways To Save´s last blog ..9 years today =-.
caite on December 2nd, 2009 2:57 pm
at least they did not just leave it open.
.-= caite´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday…Juneau, Alaska =-.
Jack on December 3rd, 2009 12:42 pm
Should have turned it into a fishtank.
.-= Jack´s last blog ..A Father’s Obligation- Mistakes Happen =-.
Moonlyte on December 4th, 2009 6:08 am
What? No duct tape?
Brandy on December 5th, 2009 11:14 pm
Oh gosh that is too funny. I am sure your thinking isn’t far from what really happened lol.
.-= Brandy´s last blog ..Owen’s Wish List =-.