Bartender Daddy

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I give my kids mixed drinks. Yes, that is right….I play bartender to all three kids. See when we go somewhere, like to the store or to run any other errands, we are constantly getting something to drink. It seems like through all of the running around we work up a mean thirst for some beverages. Most of the time we don’t even get halfway through the bottles of various sodas. This is where my “mixin’ it up for the little ones” comes in to play.

In our fridge we have enough half-drank 20oz bottles of soda to fill a swimming pool. I’m going to be frank when I tell you what I do with all of these. When My kids walk up to me and say “daddy…I’m thirsty” and I say “ok, what do you want?”, they always reply “soda! ” They don’t care if it is Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Coke, or Pepsi. If it fizzes and makes them be able to shake the rafters with tremendous burps, they want it. Since becoming a mixologist, I have come up with all sorts of carbonated concoctions. Root beer and Mountain Dew morphs into “Mountain Beer”, Coke and Dr. Pepper takes on a new persona known as “Coka Pepper”, and Sprite and Cream soda become just plan nasty!

Some people think it’s gross or think that I am mean for giving my kids “leftover” or “old” soda. They like it and it adds excitement to anything we have left that we didn’t finish.


7 Responses to “Bartender Daddy”

      Eric on January 15th, 2010 4:11 pm

      I think that Dr Pepper and Coke mixed together is called Black Gold or something.

      It gives you a big rumble in the bronx if you know what I mean.
      .-= Eric´s last blog ..A Few Rules For Dating My Daughters =-.

      Moonlyte on January 15th, 2010 4:44 pm

      See we never have that problem, because I finish off what’s left over sometime during the night. But Mountain Beer sounds interesting.


      SusietheGeek on January 18th, 2010 4:10 pm

      We do this even out at restaurants! My kids love “Suicides” or “MezzoMixes” – whatever you call it when you get some of everything at the soda fountain! I often end up finishing my leftover Diet Cokes or Diet Dr. Peppers as mixed too – I put them back in the fridge when they get warm.
      Fun times!

      Lorie Shewbridge on January 19th, 2010 5:53 pm

      My kids used to like to do that whenever we went out to McDonalds of Burger King… they would mix up all the sodas from the fountain in their cups. They always seemed to like it, I however, think it is, in your words, plain nasty!!
      .-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..Disney World with Alex, Part 2: EPCOT =-.

      Marc Kelly on March 27th, 2010 11:32 am

      Stick with water and then you will not have such problems.

      Dezi A on March 28th, 2010 9:21 pm

      Haha! Not gross at all! I’d do it too if my kids liked carbonation. They complain it’s too spicy. So we pretty much stick with water or milk.
      .-= Dezi A´s last blog ..monday moments =-.

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