Hasbro Family Game Night 2 for Nintendo Wii Review

When I was growing up I always looked forward to going over to my grandparents house and having “game night”. We would spend most of the night playing an assortment of card games, tic-tac-toe, and many other board games. I don’t think that it was just the games that I was playing, but the idea that we were all having fun playing an immense amount of games together and having a blast while doing it.
I have tried to implement the same thing in our home. These days my kids are so wrapped up in the digital age that it is hard to pull them away from anything that is not on the TV. So, I was curious on how some of my favorite board games would be translated into a digital format to fit into their game playing habits. I received Hasbro Family Game Night 2 for the Wii and popped it in. At first the kids didn’t understand who the characters were or how to play the games, but me being an old school board gamer, I was able to fill them in on such games as Operation, Jenga, Bop-It, Connect 4X4, and Pictureka.
When I was younger I loved Operation. I thought it was so interesting that I had to try and save this crazy man’s life and that he had all of these weird parts in his body. What I didn’t like was the loud, scary, bone rattling sound and feeling that came from the game when you hit the side of the incision while going in or coming out. They have really toned that down and made the overall “fun play factor” better. When I used to play Jenga, I used to get mad and want to knock the person laughing at me over like I just made the Jenga tower fall over. Now, in the Game Show setting it is just all around fun that feels less intimidating. My kids did have a little problem getting the hang of it and it may be more suitable for kids around 8 and up. I had a blast though!
Ryan’s Rating
Pros: Great translation of classic board games with no pieces to clean up after.
Cons: Says to be “E” for “Everyone” but my 4 and 6 year old had a real hard time playing it.
6 out of 10
Buy It
Hasbro Family Game Night 2 for Nintendo Wii is available for purchase for a suggested retail price of $39.99.
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10 Responses to “Hasbro Family Game Night 2 for Nintendo Wii Review”
Leave me your comments below.
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy on March 1st, 2010 12:18 pm
Maybe we can play it together until the kids are old enough to play with us LOL!
.-= Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy´s last blog ..The Free Kraftmaid Kitchen Idea Book is Back! =-.
Lorie Shewbridge on March 1st, 2010 12:25 pm
I love Operation, too! I also like Connect Four…
Too bad we don’t live closer, we’d play with you until the kids got old enough.
Thanks for the info.
.-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..Conversations from Afghanistan =-.
Brandy on March 8th, 2010 9:53 pm
Never heard of this game … sounds decent, but if a 4 and 6 year old had a hard time … then it may not be right for me at this time! Great review!!
.-= Brandy´s last blog ..SouthLAnd & Symptom Pak Winners =-.
Lisa Woods on March 24th, 2010 10:50 am
This game looks pretty cool but most of those games are games we already have the non electronic version and play already.
neljo mullins on March 25th, 2010 3:29 pm
Never heard of this game. I loved connect four when i was younger….well i still love to play. great review thank you for the heads up on age
Cheryl W on March 26th, 2010 8:40 pm
Oh that is so cool. I have played all those games. I love Jenga. Not really sure how that would convert electronically though. I am such a huge game nerd. LOL
Krista W on March 26th, 2010 10:35 pm
great reaview! thanks! I have been thinking about getting this! You really helped me with my decision!
Marc Kelly on March 27th, 2010 11:19 am
Nice review…I never liked the Wii as I found to unresponsive for a lot of games.
Tim on March 28th, 2010 8:31 pm
My sister jsut got her kids the Wii and us adults love playing lol.
Dezi A on March 28th, 2010 9:09 pm
We love playing board games! Perhaps I’ll have to check this one out, especially since we own those some of those games but have lost plenty of the pieces.
.-= Dezi A´s last blog ..monday moments =-.