Tassimo T20 Brewbot Review

So, it’s been about a month since I first received my Brewbot. I got a Tassimo T20 in the mail and hooked it up and so far it has been really neat-o getting aqainted with this little guy. The T20 makes seven different styles of coffeehouse drinks, including lattes, cappuccinos, cafe crema, espresso, hot chocolate, tea and coffee! I am a huge coffee fan, Crystal is a big coffee fan but enjoys her tea’s, and the kids love hot chocolate. Everyone in the house is well taken care of now and we don’t have to have the microwave going, the coffee pot on, or the kettle boiling on the stove to get what we each want.

  • Makes coffee, tea, cappuccino, latte, crema, espresso and hot cocoa.
  • Makes drinks in about 1 minute.
  • Includes an exclusive flow–through water heater for faster, quieter brewing.
  • Space saving design ideal for apartments, dorm rooms and countertops.
  • Smart bar code technology allows the brewer to adjust each beverage with the proper temperature pressure and amount of water.

After trying several different varieties of beverages I think it is a tie between the Gevalia Espresso and the Starbucks Breakfast Blend coffee for me.  Crystal fell in love with the Gevalia Signature Blend Coffee and sometimes I come home and she is right in the middle of her spirits being lifted by this blend.  I think next we are going to try some of the Milka brand Hot Chocolate to stay warm while catching a movie on the couch.

Ryan’s Rating: 7 out of 10!!

Pros:   Makes all kind of beverages in your own home.

Cons:  Makes quite a mess on the counter with all of the splatter.

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely that of the blog owners. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. I have been given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.


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