We Needed That!
Crystal and I just celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary together. We decided that this year we would not be exchanging gifts and thank goodness because that can be very stressful at times. We decided since most of all her travels are due to work and when I do travel I end up working the entire time and then back to the grind as soon as I get back home. Not a fun thing to do. Also, all of my other vacations have been filled with moving, house projects, saving endangered species (not really), and kid stuff. This concoction of family stuffage makes it really hard for me and the wifey to spend quality time with one another…not THAT quality time. Well…maybe it’s included in there somewhere. ANYWAAAAYs…..we had to decide where we wanted to go on a getaway/vacation/anniversary celebration and agree on it.
We knew that the cold months were coming up soon and Crystal didn’t want to have to be miserable any quicker than she has to be so an Alaskan getaway was off the table. We thought about going to a far away tropical destination like Hawaii and staying somewhere like the Hanalei Bay Resort to where it has the comforts of home but she dreaded the plane ride while having a fetus along for the ride. It then donned on us that we could do the exact same thing we did on our original honeymoon…a cruise.
A cruise was the logical answer for the both of us to go on. No schedules, people waiting hand and foot on you, and of course all you can eat everything! We took a Carnival cruise and sailed to Cozumel and the Yucatan Peninsula on a five day ride on the ocean. It was the best bang for our buck because it was really economical and everything was included! We relaxed on the boat the entire time! We only got off at the Yucatan for 10 minutes and then spent a few hours in Cozumel walking around the city. We couldn’t have the pregnant lady away from the buffets that long!

2 Responses to “We Needed That!”
Leave me your comments below.
Staci on November 1st, 2012 8:16 pm
So jealous! Hoping we can go on a cruise one day. Glad you two had fun… you both totally deserved it!
Mocha Dad on November 26th, 2012 10:35 am
Congratulations on 10 years of marriage.