Episode 9

Hey everybody.  In this episode we talk about upcoming Christmas events and additions to our family.  Leave some comments or email me at ryan@daddydigest.com

Episode 8

This show we talk about Halloween and my class reunion!  Leave comments on the site, or email me at ryan@daddydigest.com!  Also check me out on Myspace at Ry_Guy_1

Weathering the storm!

STUPID IKE!  That’s right I am not dead nor did anything fall on my house.  I am still without power at home so can’t do any recordings or do much internet roaming.  So I just wanted to give everyone a head’s up on our little family status and let everyone else know that we are fine…..but they say we will not  have power maybe until October 6!  So until we get back to the inter-web,  take care and be safe!

P.S. Be sure to leave comments I can still check those periodically!


Episode 7

In this episode we discuss a little man operation I had!


Okay…..just got home from a little operation I had to ensure that I don’t ever reproduce again!  I’m not gonna lie guys and gals…..it hurts!  Not the type of “scrape on the arm” or the “cut on your body” thing, but it’s like the full on “you just got kicked in your junk and it won’t go away”  kinda hurt!  Ouch Ouch Ouch!  Chooch was right this hurts!  Well I think I might try to get a new episode out this weekend if my guys permit me too!  So see y’all soon!



Here it is everybody our first promo!  Let me know what you think…I think it describes a little bit of the chaos floating around on the homestead!

Episode 6

After a break…..here it is Episode 6!

No caffeine!

Just letting everybody know how bad it is to go from my Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Cokes to only water, but hopefully it will pay off health-wise!  Also a new episode should be coming soon after Crystal’s B-day!


<a href=”http://www.podcastalley.com/”> My Podcast Alley feed!</a> {pca-4d30f34036e22b5650b344797feee91f}

Episode 5

Here it is Episode 5!  Background noise was provided by the family!

Episdode 4

Here we are Episode 4!

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