Mixed Feelings

I don’t know how I really feel about the “written” form of my blogging anymore.   Since I have so much fun doing the audio version of my site on the podcast, I kinda wish I could do more to get across my feelings, expressions, and all around opinions on the stuff that matters to me and whats in my life. What if I started doing a short “Video Digest” as a post or two a week to supplement not doing so many written ones.   I mean listen, I like blogging, I just don’t like having to get my readers to understand how I feel or what mood I’m in.   This way I could do a short 2-3 minute entry, and it come out the way I want it to, and it can mean what I want it to mean. Anybody agree or disagree? Let me know!


4 Responses to “Mixed Feelings”




      Ryan on July 23rd, 2009 3:01 pm

      I think it would be great!

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