New Neighbors

I know that I have mentioned it for sometime now. We’ve been trying to move. Since it’s winter time and in the middle of the school year we decided not find a new house to move into right now. We thought we would just wait till spring when the kids are almost out of school and then we will be prepared to move when the summertime rolls around.

There is a lot of woods behind our house. There are several hundred acres behind us and it’s always been overgrown with a lot of trees. We see deer coming into our yard, rabbits playing, and raccoons coming and getting into our trash.  Not much anymore I’m afraid.   Recently the land that was for sale….became sold. We soon found out that our new neighbors would be a business.

The business that would be moving in behind us is a culvert making company. You know those huge things that when you drive into the driveway that lets the water run through? Yeah those. They work 24 hours a day and at least six days a week so now will we see our woods behind us disappear. Even now they are clearing and burning the land. We’re not too excited about that. I’m also not excited about having noise all night long everyday of the week. It is bad enough that we hear a lot train engine noise and train horns down the road after every train passes by. My luck they will have vehicles on their property that have special train horns for trucks installed just to make me extra crazy.

Waiting till next summer,






3 Responses to “New Neighbors”

      Lorie Shewbridge on December 18th, 2011 1:20 pm

      Well, that just sucks!
      I sure hope you guys find a nice house SOON. After living in such a beautiful place, to have the woods disappear is so sad.

      judith on December 20th, 2011 8:06 am

      You could move. If you are under a lease, put out an ad on craisglist asking someone to take over your spot. You can leave a lease as long as someone is willing to sign it and take over it for you. Most landlords are okay with this. There is no reason they shouldn’t let you leave if you are guarranteeing that someone else will be making the monthly rent payment.

      Show Me the Links #11 - Real Men, Real Dads | Real Men, Real Dads on April 12th, 2012 8:06 pm

      […] New Neighbors I know that I have mentioned it for sometime now. We’ve been trying to move. Since it’s winter time and in the middle of the school year we decided not find a new house to move into right now. We thought we would just wait till spring when the kids are almost out of school and then we will be prepared to move when the summertime rolls around. […]

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