Vacation Times Ahead

Ah, travel. Summertime is one of the most busiest times of the year for travel. Kids are out of school, vacations get underway, and gas prices rise slightly. With my job I have to schedule the next years vacation the previous year in November. Are you confused? Well let me break it down for you.
Every November I choose my weeks of vacation for the following year. This leads to a very stressful couple of weeks before trying to figure out what weeks I have (want) to take. Another bad thing is that it is all done by seniority. So, the guy thats been there 32 years will most definitely get his preferred weeks while I would have to wait until my choosing time rolls around. I’m not complaining though I usually do get the weeks that I want. It could be worse though, I could end up not getting any vacations at all. But it does make it very stressful, especially if there is a week that I really really want and someone or several someone’s have already chosen that week. Having my vacations done like this has pretty much always worked out for the almost decade that I’ve been with this company.
I just got back from a weekend trip to New York City with my three kids and my in-laws. I knew that I was going to experience the city in August with my wife Crystal but I had an opportunity to take a quick trip a little earlier in the calendar. I really would love to again one day even after my upcoming August trip to be able to experience the city during Christmas time or any turkey holidays (because most of the holidays revolve around the commencement of us gorging on these birds around the last third of the year) so that I can see this magical city in…from what I hear…one of it’s most magical and alluring times.
Having to plan such a big getaway in such a small amount of time… nerves got a bit rattled. Questions arose. What do I do if I forgot stuff? What happens if we lose our luggage? I relaxed though and felt better when my kids reassured me that we could just go to the store and buy everything all over again. They have all of the answers.

3 Responses to “Vacation Times Ahead”
Leave me your comments below.
Staci @ 7 on a Shoestring on July 4th, 2012 12:32 am
HaHa! I love how the kids think! They are awesome. 🙂
HeliMom on July 25th, 2012 7:27 pm
Love their response. If only money grew on trees.
Daddy Ryan on July 27th, 2012 10:59 pm
I know right! I think we’d all own farms of those trees.