The Reason Kids Should Clean Their Rooms
You know….growing up, the biggest thing that my parents tried to drive into my skull was that cleaning your room should be a pretty high priority in your adolescent life. I often wondered as a child why I always had to keep my room clean or make sure that it was always picked up and ready for inspection after I got done. I don’t think I ever figured it out. I guess I just thought it had something to do with responsibility!
When Crystal and I got married and we were talking about us being parents and the rules that we would set forth and uphold, we agreed on most, but one stood out among the rest. Like I said, I was taught that a child’s room should be kept clean and organized. She, on the other hand, thought that is their room and they should be responsible for it and can do whatever they want! If they want to live in a crap-hole….fine

Taylor's Room
We now know why …….the REAL reason why you should always make sure that your child’s room is cleaned up. Not just because it teaches them organizational skills, not because it gives them a since of responsibility….no…. It’s for when they get sick and throw up all over the floor! If they maintain their room the floor will be clean, spotless and free of toys, books, blankets, and clothes for when they decide to redecorate the room with their sick! You will not have to wash Barbie’s hair out or wipe every intricate part of a toy light-saber. You know and they know that a whole lot of time and toys will be saved by them cleaning their room.
“Did She Just Put Her Finger In My Queso?”
Hello, hello, hello everyone! Wow what an amazing weekend! We had a Juicy Juice party on Saturday even though it rained and I was amazed on how cool it was and how much fun the kids had! They colored and played with sidewalk chalk, played with bubbles, played out in the rain until it thundered and then they all came running back! I was happy to say that we met some great parents of the children that came and really didn’t mind them using my toilet…….ok…well….onward! The whole highlight of the day didn’t strike me until I was doing some clean-up of the little get-together and was washing one of the bowls that some chips were in and I moved the sponge around the edge and,….what did I find? Someone had stuck their chewing gum on the underside of the rim and left it there! Ha! I was cracking up! It must have been one of the kids, I guess. My question is how did that child learn to put that there or that it was even okay to do that? Dunno…I just…..dunno.
Sunday after church we went to a new Mexican restaurant that has been under construction for the last two years. I had heard some people talking before about going there and I just hadn’t had the desire to go yet. But, it was lunchtime and we were already desperate to find something to eat so we agreed to go with some friends and the Pastor and his wife. So we get in the restaurant, seated, asked for our drinks, and salsa layed in front of us. (Here we go…ya ready?) First off the salsa was so incredibly hot that I think it seared my mouth with the sheer heat of a volcano. Then the crappy bendy straw I was given was broke. Crystal felt bad because I had stopped partaking in the execution of my taste buds with the others, so she ordered me some chile con queso. It came out 10 minutes later and I looked at it and thought “well that looks kinda plain”. So I then proceeded to put a little regular black pepper in it just to give it some taste I thought, even though I had no idea what it tasted like yet. So I then grabbed a chip, dipped, and stuffed it into my mouth. At that moment in time I knew that the single purpose of this queso was to extinguish the fire that was created by the salsa because this queso my friends….. was frigid!
I told Crystal while chewing “Mmrrph…you grotta trryy thris” she complied, as the chip sailed towards her ( I had to suppress a snicker) I new she was gonna be upset too! She said “why the crap is it cold” and i said “dunno”. I asked the waitress to come over shortly after to show her my pool of icy cheese and she apologized and then said that she would “fix it” and in my mind that means to put it in the microwave. So she turned and headed towards the kitchen and I guess didn’t believe me so she tested it herself. The lady stuck her finger in my queso, then applied a small amount of the cheese product to her tongue………..I know. I then asked my wife “did she just put her finger in my queso?” Five minutes later she brought back my queso in the same bowl with the same black pepper in it…..fresh from being heated up in a microwave! I then did not know what to with it.
After finishing up the queso she brought me…..WHAT?….WHAT?…it was fine…we blessed our food, it made it okay! It was entree time. Needless to say, I think they only heated the outside of my plate and brought it to me. Crazy thing was, everyone else’s at the table was also cold! Nobody even said anything until I started asking “is yours cold?” Everyone said yes and nobody was going to say anything! So, me being me, I called her back over (after all of the interaction me and this lady had, we were on a first name basis) and I complained again! This really was ridiculous. So I told them to take it off and I wasn’t gonna pay for it. The lady came about this close (..[——–]..) from getting an attitude with me but I think she was afraid i would have pelted her in the face with a bowl of salsa burning her face off in the process!
So all in all it was a pretty good weekend, I mean after we left there I got to go by Taco Bell and I got some real hot Mexican food! Until next time everyone.
Be a Sweety and Wipe the Seaty!
Well, my weekend has begun! It is going to be one heck of a weekend too. We are supposed to have like 80% chance of rain, and this is the weekend that Crystal is hosting a Juicy Juice party for a ton of her and Taylor’s friends. We were going to have it outside on our entertaining area (just a huge concrete slab)….but, it doesn’t look like that now. It seems like every time we try to do something outside it gets ruined and we have to do it inside instead.
Now, there will be people coming over that I know……and people that I don’t know. Is it wrong for me to want to clean the bathroom as soon as they get their juice and leave? I mean, that’s like 2 hours of people sitting, squatting , spraying, and dropping deuces in and around the bathroom throne! Worst of all….there will be kids there that will go to the potty and not ask their parents to help them, when clearly they couldn’t hit the Grand Canyon even if they dropped underoos right at the edge and started streaming! I mean Family and close friends are one thing, but I don’t know where some of these people cheeks have been! Anyways, let me know what you guys think about bathroom issues and if you feel the same way.
I should be recording a new episode of the podcast this weekend. If you would like for me to talk about anything, TV, movies, toys, my views on stuff, comment here or shoot me an email at or let me know on Twitter @DaddyDigest!
Yep, I Deleted It!
No entry….I just deleted the whole thing that I have been working on for 3 days! Not happy…..going to leave and find something to break. I am not starting over, I am not going to finsh all of my thoughts, I am not going to keep going on and on in this post, I do not like green eggs and ham! (Exhales deeply like Vader) Hhhuuuuuuhhh! Well, in that case I might as well go!
Episode 12 The Most Annoying Toys
Hey guys! Well, here it is Episode 12. In this episode we talk about site changes, new friends, new websites, and the tp 5 most annoying toys ever in my home….so far!
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (35.0MB)
Easter Goodness
Hey Everyone, I just wanted to tell all of you that I hope you all have a wonderful Easter today! Try not to eat too much of the stuff that you shouldn’t be eating anyway. I have a little addiction to those malted Easter eggs….can’t wait for them to disappear from the stores. Also, don’t rip off your kids by raiding their Easter baskets….you know you do…what? You never have? OK…that’s fine…that’s fine.
A new episode of the Podcast should be dropping this evening, if not early Monday morning. In the newest episode I cover the most annoying toys in and around my house. I also included emails containing the listeners most annoying toys. While I am writing this Peyton is sitting on my lap playing with all of the most annoying toys that I talked about in that episode…uunngghh. Make it stop. Trash day is when? Wednesday?
Finally out of the bathroom….

New walls
Now I know what everyone is thinking, “finally out of the bathroom? What’s he doing In there? Awww Ryan what’s up with the potty talk?”. Well, actually I am referring to my endeavors of being a carpenter or as some would say a “handy-man”. The past two weekends I had my parents come out so that my dad and I could spruce up our bathroom. There was some nasty yellow wallpaper that was done by the previous owners that must have been hung by a child or maybe a teen for some school project or something. Anyways, I think the new stuff looks amazing! Totally different look in a place that really needed some help. I really was thinking of opening up a business at one time, that specializes in coming into an area that is mainly used, worked in, or occupied by a male that wants to re-do an area, but doesn’t want to have antlers hanging everywhere, fish on the wall, or sports junk everywhere. Just give great practical looks to an area that men usually dwell in and make it appealing for them, and others that have to live in and around it. Especially when dudes are going to be dealing with the ladies coming over. Say you are in your early 20’s, and you are a guy, fresh out of school, college, military, prison….whatever, and you have a date or something, and the chick is coming to your house before to meet up with you there. Well, you don’t want her walking in and seeing your entire original Star Wars action figure collection thumb-tacked to the wall next to your Jessica Alba posters or her walking in and seeing half a dozen dead animals peering back her and hearing stories on how you killed each one and “hauled it off in yer pick-up truck”! I think guys should have an interesting living space created for them, by them, but just have some boundaries and some ideas on what style looks like. If I ever do it I was thinking of calling “Home Manteriors” eh? ehh? Like it? Would you watch it on HGTV?
The Greatest Gifts of All!
When I think about everything that I have ever gotten or received in my life, nothing still can even remotely come close to the the gifts that I received when each one of my children were born. This is just a small post to show how proud and thankful I am for being the one who these precious angels were given to.
Our Promo….just in case you haven’t heard it!
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Well here we are! All of the old posts and Podcasts are here on the new site! Ain’t it perdy?! Thanks a TON to Chooch from for helping me with alot of questions along the way. Most of all though my wonderful wife Crystal…..singing it just for you…ready?? “THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!” None of the transition would have been possible without your time, effort, and dedication to me and my hopes of making this site and community better! Love ya babe! Everyone please do me, and yourself a favor and check out Crystal’s new site that can be found by clicking here. It is an awesome site if you are a parent….especially a mother. Thanks again to those who help me try and make things smoother and nicer than before and also, thanks to all of the subscribers, listeners, and readers of the site. See ya soon!